I realize that my last post may have some of you worried for me- don't! I am great, and here is the evidence...
Come on in...
This is my Real Life Part II
If you want to see a super funny Real Life Part I, check out a new favorite, super funny blog I visit and you will get the idea.
In the meantime, here is a no-prep look at my life in these areas:
~curb appeal (yep, a picture of your home from the outside)
~junk drawer
~from whence you blog
~favorite jewelry
~your best feature
Curb Appeal - You tell me, what isn't appealing about these dying plants in the front of our house?

From whence you blog- Since I spend so many hours here, I thought it should be ergonomically correct,
hence the 2.5 inches of space from the chair to the bottom of the drawer- perfect for thighs of a post-pregnant mamma.
Favorite Jewelry- the only thing I wear, and never take off (except for this photo shoot). The middle diamond was my great-grandmother's. Caleb rocked my world when he surprised me with this new setting when he proposed.This is the original setting that the diamond came in. He returned the ring to me before he proposed (diamond replaced with this cubic z) and told me he was sorry that he couldn't get a new setting for it. He is soooo tricky!
My best feature-my wonderful family... they are an extension of who I am, and most of the time they are attached at the hip, and the leg, and the arm...

Great post, and I would do the same thing...my family is my best feature!
I stil am way to wimpy to post this kind of thing yet but maybe next time! great photos!
i am cracking up reading your blog today! i posted under your sharpie decor too. funny funny mama you are!
Can I just say how much I LOVE that your hubby tricked you with the cubic zarconia????!?! Seriously, that must have been the BEST proposal EVER when you found out that it really was your grandmother's diamond in the middle!!!
happy pow!
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