
Monday, January 10, 2011

Blame the Jack-Knifed Semi

Dec 103

Snow falls in East Texas now, one week after we got home from our wonderful trip to Colorado.  Snow falls, and wakes up this weary blog and the lack of motivation that I have had to recollect that great trip.  I blame the Semi-Truck that jack-knifed and closed Vail Pass for over six hours, at the very beginning of our 18 hour drive home that ended up taking 23+ hours and my gusto to write.Dec 088

And as the snow falls outside today and I peruse the pictures of children accessorized in mittens and hats, snowflakes caught in their eyelashes, I must write- because it’s too cute and the memories were too fond to depart from so quickly.Dec 089

Dec 101

Cousins playing in pajamas late into the day on the day we remembered our Savior’s birth.

Dec 243 Dec 092

Snuggling with Aunt Janice and pulling out mommy’s tutus from her ballerina days.Dec 098Sharing laughs as we unwrap the old collectables that have gathered dust in mom’s closets. 
It’s funny that she wraps up those sentimental things, her purging becomes our giggles.
This fancy ship was a gift to my brother from some Chinese hockey players that came to play in a tournament against my brother’s team when he was in high school. 
I got a couple fancy drama masks in case you were wondering.

Dec 105

Watching grandpa coach his granddaughter on a new puzzle.Dec 140My sister-in-law and my precious niece Lenna.

Dec 143

We have a tendency to play a lot of cards when we get together as family- Pinochle, anyone?Dec 162

Dec 163

And Avery and McClaine schooled my dad and uncle Jim at Go Fish.Dec 159 Dec 152 

Dec 166Our wonderful friend, Marjie came over for Christmas.  She is such an awesome lady and has been fighting hard against Cancer for over three years.

She brought lots of laughs, dozens of puppets and an INCREDIBLE Melissa and Doug Puppet Theater.  Thanks Marjie!Dec 148

Dec 170

Dec 154

And then came Uncle Josh.  Uncle Josh is Margaret’s husband (Margaret had to go back to work in Oregon, so she couldn’t come- boo!), who was on break from school for a couple weeks, so he came to play.  And play he did- for HOURS with the kids.  He also shaved his beard so they would recognize him better.  I have no doubt that the kids knew just who he was even with the beard and he may have later regretted his decision to shave when it got to be 6 below zero.Dec 180Aren’t you glad he didn’t stick with the handle-bar moustache? 

Dec 184

They built huge forts out of pillows and blankets, and those evolved into “dog cages.”  Josh was the dog catcher and had 4 puppies to chase all over the house.
Then they built a raft out of sticks and branches…Dec 186

Dec 187And launched it off into the river in my mom’s backyard.

Dec 192

Then Caleb and Uncle Josh took the big kids up the gondola. 
It’s free for foot passengers after 2pm, and that just happens to be when the little girls and I needed a nap!Dec 198

Dec 202

Hot Chocolate was definitely in order on this chilly day!Dec 206The kids had a snowball fight on the top of the mountain- let’s take a moment to examine the “Texas Style” of this snowball fight.
Notice that they all had jeans on, and the boys had cowboy boots on.  Oh yeah, the only thing missing are those “gators” that keep the snow out of yur cowboy boots!

Dec 214

The next day my mom graciously babysat my brood so Caleb and Josh and I could go skiing!  Thanks Aunt Brittny for the awesome hook-up on tickets!Dec 078 Caleb snowboarded, Josh telemarked and I raced down the hill and tried to take pictures.  It felt so great to get back on some skis after five years!
We are going to start saving up for next year, and maybe we can get the kids in some lessons.Dec 086It is always appropriate to finish the night with a little Conga line and some good eats at Aunt Janice and Jimmy Ray’s house. Dec 082 Dec 079Here’s a picture of my mom and her six little grandkids

Dec 257 And the family photo…Dec 260

Are you still there?  Was that the longest post EVER?  I hope you and your family had a great Christmas…  more from me coming up later this week.


Elyse said...

LOVE all the pictures and expressions. Looks like CO was so much fun. Stay warm!!

Unknown said...

Wow, what fun and a beautiful family! Merry late Christmas and Happy New Year girl!

Vashey Fam said...

Ahhh, what wonderful Christmas memories! The Christmas pics are just awesome Tyne. I love that Josh came all the way to Colorado to play with your kids.....and I think he should have kept the mustache! I love you guys!

Patois42 said...

You always seem to have the most heart-lifting posts which bring such smiles to me. What great times you give your kids.

Now, onto the mundane matters, however did you get a word verification of "moses" for your post?

Mrs Montoya said...

Terrific post and I love all the photos. Makes me long for the cozy days of Christmas. It already seems SO long ago. Love it a lot, Tyne. As always. Glad y'all made it home safely. HAPPY NEW YEAR