
Monday, March 8, 2010

Daffodils Get a Little Action

Caleb had a knock-down, drag-out fight with the stomach flu on Thursday, but by Friday he felt well enough to accompany me and the kids to Ms. Lee’s Garden.  Ms. Lee’s Garden is a gorgeous plot of land, hills boasting the most glorious daffodils, just a few minutes from our house.  Caleb’s parents have several bluebird houses on the land, so we thought we would drive through and check to see if any bluebirds had nested yet. 

I decided to get the kids out of their usual mud clothes, dress them for the beautiful spring weather and fix up Audrey’s mullet- just in case there were some picture opportunities.  I am slightly thrilled that Pioneer Woman updated the links to her Photoshop Actions, I had been trying to upload them for a week.  I guess she knew it was Reece’s birthday on Wednesday, because she fixed them!  Check out these shots from Ms. Lee’s Daffodil Garden, the smaller pictures are SOOC (straight out of camera) and the larger is with the designated PS Action.  Above is SOOC, the right is with the seventies Action (appropriate, because he was born in the 70’s baby!Daffodil_0015)

Here’s Reecey, SOOC (SOO Cute, or straight out of camera)





And here she is with the actions Boost and Love & Ethereal









Caleb and I actually managed to get all the kids to sit down in one place for four minutes.  I am loving the actions for Photoshop, but if someone could please teach me how to change a head from one picture to another, that would be oh so helpful.  This is with the action, Boost.


  Daffodil_0026And this one is with boost and seventies

Here’s ADaffodil_0054udrey Gail SOOC and with the Heartland Action.

Daffodil_0067 And here’s Avery SOOC and with a combination of the Lovely & Ethereal and Soft & Faded Actions.





Daffodil_0075 Truly, could any photograph capture my son better than this?  He can’t help but go completely ninja in a bed of daffodils.  I can’t remember which action I applied, but I am pretty sure it had to do with Kung Fu.

Daffodil_0084 Define & Sharpen

Daffodil_0140 This one is Soft & Faded, Seventies and Boost, which by this point in our trip, they needed a boost.  Or a nap.

Daffodil_0144 And finally, this one is Old West and Soft & Faded

I am nothing short of giddy that it is looking more like spring around here.  Daffodils are blooming, the garden is being tilled and my kids are whipping up mud pies on a daily basis.

Thanks, PW, for giving our Daffodil trip a little Action. 

Daffodil_0002 Daffodil_0126


Vashey Fam said...

Oh my gosh! Those pictures are AWESOME! I want to paint them! Tyne, you guys have the sweetest most spunky kids!I love them so!

Jeff said...

Kids and cameras = FUN.

Elyse said...

Holy smokes woman! I am in spring heaven over here with the picts! Love your skillz!

Unknown said...

Wow, your edits are fabulous! It doesn't hurt that your kids are so cute either! ;)

Meredith said...

LOVE the photos, Tyne!

Renee Davis Meyer said...

LOVE the pics and the actions! I've tried and failed to get those to work for me - maybe because I use PSE instead of the full version? Haven't tried in a couple of months... I really want the 70s one, love it! And you're kids are cutie-to-the-max. Also, it's much prettier where you are than where I am. But I can't complain, at least I can see the grass again in stead of just frozen tundra...

thecarterfamily said...

Tyne, those pictures are amazing! I especially like the big pic. of Avery. She looks so angelic. I remember the last time Caleb took all of us to the daffodil farm and we took a walk and ended up a mile away in some guys pasture. Good times. Luv you guys.

Katrina said...

Your kids are so cute! Those are awesome pics friend.

Patois42 said...

Those look simply fabulous!

Tegan said...

Tyne, what beautiful family pictures! I was just telling David about you and Caleb and how I wished we could all get together one day. How many times have I said that on your blog???? I know we would have a blast! Maybe one day...utjargo

Anti-Supermom said...

Tyne, OMGosh - these pictures are fabulous! Stunning. It really, really makes me wish I understood a little something about Photoshop.

Love it as a new header BTW~

A Musing Mother said...

Will you teach me how to use my DSLR and photoshop?

Just seems like such a waste of good money but I thought they would magically integrate within my brain.

Allison R said...

Beautiful pictures! All of them. I'm looking forward to spring too.

Katie W said...

These pictures are AMAZING! I totally need a photoshop tutorial, Tyne! You have MAJOR skills. Your kids are absolutely beautiful, and so spirited! So sorry your fam was hit with a bad bug-seems like stuff has been going around everywhere! Hope y'all continue to enjoy early spring! LOVE you!!

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Tyne...those are great pictures, with our without the actions. Love them.