
Monday, February 7, 2011

This is the Season

February 2011 010This is the season where temperatures are chilly and children are cooped up.

February 2011 006Or they sneak out into the snow. 

February 2011 011

This is the season where Cardinals are grateful for bowls of bird seed on the porch.February 2011 015 This is the season where baby is now toddler, toddler is now pre-schooler and two are now readers.

Naps are seldom and laundry is plentiful and teaching is abundant.

This is the season where God is refining my character and teaching me how to impart character in my children.

This is the season where I try to balance the time commitment of recording the precious moments and living in them.

This is the season where blogging takes the back burner to a home-cooked meal.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Is this really how much snow you got in Texas? I am astounded! Wow girl! Hope you guys are doing well in my homeland:)