
Thursday, July 1, 2010

Power Nap

I think I would be better off if I were able to power nap like they do…

June 2010 078 copy

Or like they do....

A power nap may do me well!


Buckeroomama said...

I definitely could use a power nap now and then, too! :)

Kelly@TearingUpHouses said...

As if that wasn't cute enough that first one is decked out in Superman!


A Musing Mother said...

I have no idea what they are doing. What is it?

LeeAnn said...

That is a talent I have never possessed, naps for me are always longer than I want them to be and when I go for the "power nap" I usually end up more tired than before I laid down. Must take a certain personality or metabolism or something to really glean from the PN :)

Love you guys!

natalie @ our old southern house said...

hi!! thanks for stopping by. i'll post the recipe (w/pics) for hot pepper sauce sometime next week. i posted a tutorial for dill pickles yesterday.
have a great 4th!