
Sunday, September 12, 2010

Weren’t You All Thinking You Would Have More Time?

tyne sept 2010 017 For some reason I thought I was going to have more time to blog with two children at school and only two home.  But the truth is, even on the mornings when Caleb takes the kids to school, I just can’t seem to sit myself down and get a blog post done.

It’s just that we have been so busy- you know, with Bella Dancerellatyne sept 2010 031Even Reecie finds it fitting to sport the tutu.tyne sept 2010 019We also started soccer practice and let me tell you, it is DANG hot at five o’clock in the afternoon in an unshaded field in Texas!  And chasing three other kids around while one is practicing will wear a woman flat out.tyne sept 2010 038 Let’s talk a moment about how very cute Avery is in her soccer uniform…  Talk amongst yourself.tyne sept 2010 036  We also had a birthday party for my brother-in-law Jon.  These awesome hot dog holders are perfect for a Chicago kid, right?tyne sept 2010 059 We had fajitas, Mexican corn, homemade Salsa Roja, and tomatillo avocado salsa.  Muy Sabrosa!tyne sept 2010 046 Jon wanted cupcakes for his birthday, so Oma whipped up some homemade ones with scrumptious frosting.  We thought it would be funny to put 33 candles on the cupcakes.tyne sept 2010 054tyne sept 2010 057I am partial to my darling nephew, Zane, for good reason…tyne sept 2010 048 He is a big boy.  And his mama threw out her back a few days after this shot was taken… so last week Zane got to hang out at our house for a couple days!tyne sept 2010 050   Reece and Audrey and Zane really entertained themselves while the big kids were at school, and we pretty much stayed in our jammies all day.  It’s what you do when you have three kids in diapers.  Here’s a bit of good news- Reecie has shown quite a bit of interest in potty training and has gone #2 on the toilet a few times now, which has been very motivating for her big sister, who was previously pretty uninterested.  Wouldn’t it be special if I got ALL of my kids out of diapers in the next month or so? (The answer is “YES”).tyne sept 2010 107 This is how far behind I am with blogging, I am putting three weeks worth of fun in one post!

On to Aggieland, the next chapter…  We went to visit my brother, Ryan and his family in College Station.  A brave babysitter took on our children for 7 hours so we could go to the game.tyne sept 2010 065

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Even though we beat SFA big time, I must say that my favorite part of the game is watching the Aggie Band.tyne sept 2010 076 Our drive home was so peaceful, the kids were great and the sunset was such a testimony to God’s great creativity.

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tyne sept 2010 104 Keep up with me, I am all over the map- next chapter, fall harvest.  We have been harvesting beautiful stuff from the garden and Opa has been making his famous pepper shake of dehydrated peppers.  I even gave an attempt at oven roasting peppers.tyne sept 2010 005 After they roast and get big black blisters on them you put them in a bowl covered with saran wrap and allow the steam to help the skin separate.  tyne sept 2010 006 These would be pretty tasty in a salsa or pasta sauce.  I am pretty sure they are in the freezer though, because clearly I haven’t had time to whip up any new recipes.  What with capturing my third weekend in this one post.

On to the next chapter.  Soccer Game- Here’s Avery with the pigtails and purple.tyne sept 2010 119 

Wyatt came to watch his cousins play soccer.tyne sept 2010 120 Yes, I did correctly say “cousinS” plural.  You just may not see any pictures of McClaine playing because he spent most of the time sitting on the bench sipping his juice box, or chasing the annoying ice cream cart lady who found it appropriate to distract every four year old on the field with her wooing bell.

tyne sept 2010 122 Finally, there is no better way to cool off from some intense heat at the soccer field than with a hearty game of Slip N Slide Wiffle Ball.  There was a slip n slide leading to every base and it was a rule that you had to slide to base to be safe.tyne sept 2010 124

Wow.  Check out that athleticism.  Obviously this was posed- I had to pass off my camera as proof that I actually participated.  In case the drenched clothes and fire ant bites weren’t proof enough!tyne sept 2010 160The kids stayed entertained in this awesome pool while we played wiffle ball. tyne sept 2010 152 tyne sept 2010 135

Overall it has been a great past few weeks, super busy and full of fun.  And blogging has kind of been on the back burner- but I will try to keep up better with it.  Now the real question is, do I take the time to proof read and spell check?


Elyse said...

Hey you! Just fyi-I use spell check but don't proof read when I post. Unless Capt. Obvious sees something; it goes unnoticed.

LOVE all the aggie and kid picts!

Katrina said...

I cannot imagine how busy life must be with 4 kids!! You are a great mommy. Avery is so precious playing soccer too!

Renee Davis Meyer said...

You're blogging like me now :)

LOVE the pics of the Aggie game, makes me homesick! And Ryan and Beth are super cute, as always, and as are your kiddoes!

And I totally hear you - I keep waiting for my extra-time-now-that-school's-in to kick in. Where is it???

Farmgirl Paints said...

Life does get in the way sometimes. Blogging can definitely take a backseat to actual living. That's okay.

So first off...those cupcakes! YUMMY. Marching cool. Your little Avery in her soccer outfit...adorable. And finally that sunset...LOVE. God never fails to quiet me with His breathtaking sunsets. Gorgeous:)

Unknown said...

Whew, that was alot of stuff! You all have been busy, busy!

Reecie looks like your older daughter, I can't remember her name while I'm commenting.

And slip n' slide wiffle ball???? BRILLIANT!!!! :D

Katie W said...

Oh my goodness! I was missing you in the blogging world! It looks like y'all have had a great few weeks, though. Avery is BEYOND adorable in her soccer uniform, and I LOVE those pictures at the football game. Glad your sweet, happy family is having a good start to fall, my fave season :)

Am in prayer for your dad-let us know how everything turns out.

On an unrelated totally shameless note, Melissa Rycroft (former participant on Bachelor, dumpee of Jason Mesnick) was at Lizzie's wedding this weekend!!

McKay said...

What a find game idea! And great for a Texas summer!