
Monday, November 1, 2010

He’s Clearly Comfortable With His Masculinity

You know your husband is comfortable with his masculinity when he can wear leggings for Halloween…October 10 267And wear those tights into the liquor store to buy a few bags of ice… October 10 232 And show up to a Halloween party with all of his buddies wearing tights.

October 2010For the first time in years, I dressed up for Halloween and went to a very fun Halloween Birthday Bash for my friend Olive Oil (Tonya).  There were some crazy good costumes.  Caleb and his sister Margaret and I were Peter Pan, Capt. Hook and Wendy.

I just couldn’t get the guts to dress as Tink on this 40 degree night!

There was a Mexican and his Piñata.

Colonel Sanders and his Bucket of Chicken.

A Samurai and his Geisha.

Some eighties nerds.

Olive Oil and Popeye.

A Scarecrow.

And Pippy Longstockings.

I love a party wear I can wear a mumu and no make-up- I am hardcore like that!October 10 266 

Check out this unbelievable piñata costume that my friend Kat made.  She is incredibly talented and you can see her artwork on her facebook page.

October 10 250 We played a game where you had to use a straw and suck a pumpkin eraser to the end and then relay race.

October 10 270

October 10 274

And no east Texas Halloween Party is complete without a drive through the pasture in a monster school bus.

Seriously?  How hick is this?  I never imagined, spoiled little Vail girl that I was, that I would be off-roading in a short bus.October 10 280

October 10 283

But it was really fun- notice the terrified looks on every face.October 10 284


On a not-so-hick note- we celebrated my incredibly cute nephew’s birthday this weekend.

Zane Charlie Brown turned one this weekend, and a costume party was in order.

October 10 173At least for the kids.  I think the grown-ups got their share of dressing up in on Friday.

Not that I would have minded wearing my nightgown again, but I am pretty sure Caleb wouldn’t put the tights back on!

October 10 156 Jon is a great cook and made Italian Beef Sandwiches and this delicious Buffalo Wing Dip, that perchance I ate a little too much of.October 10 159And Oma made another one of her fabulous birthday cards.  Don’t you just love them?

October 10 219 Leigh made this precious Snoopy Cake and big brother Wyatt decorated Zane’s individual cake…October 10 214 which he managed to devour entirely.

October 10 234 Group photo- miracle to have 6 children sitting and looking at the camera!October 10 187Avery was a “stray cat” & Audrey was “Sho Co-Cake” (Strawberry Shortcake).

October 10 169

McClaine was batman!October 10 172

Wyatt was a Centurion Knight.October 10 181And Reecey was Tinkerbell (with quick access to jammies).

October 10 202

October 10 175

October 10 208

October 10 213

October 10 162

It was a great weekend, packed with fun.  Even Gramps had a good time, and I am pretty sure he ate too much Buffalo Wing Dip as well!


Kelly@TearingUpHouses said...

Looks like you made a lot of wonderful memories!

Love the Pan costume. 'Cept your guy has better legs than I do!


Katie W said...

LOVE all this! Caleb proudly wearing his costume?? Priceless! Halloween is my fave fun holiday, but I am so not creative enough to come up with my own good costumes. Y'all looked awesome-a little Peter Pan family! Your sweet kids look A-dorable, as usual. And, as usual, your photography skills are amazing!

P.S. I always love seeing Oma's creations!

Laural Out Loud said...

I can't get over your husband's costume! It's fantastic! He wears it well, lol.

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said... the tights! And, sure looks like a great time.

Unknown said...

What a fun Halloween! Thanks for sharing all the pics with us. Glad everyone had a good time.

Charlie Brown is just too cute... :D