
Monday, March 29, 2010

Spring Chickens and a Teaser

March 2010 081

We came home from a gorgeous weekend in Sabinal, TX to some new friends.

March 2010 077

They are just the cutest little spring chickens.

March 2010 079

You will hear some more from me about our trip to Sabinal, but here’s a little teaser.

March 2010 032

And if that isn’t enough to get you to come back and hear about our trip…

March 2010 075

You may want to know how I got this shiner, and nearly got scalped.


Robert said...

eye-eye-eye! oh, that looks painful!

Katie W said...

OH my goodness!! Are you ok???? Sabinal looks amazing-can't wait for the rest of the story!

Mrs Montoya said...

Yeow!!! That is SOME kind of shiner. I hope you're OK. Love the new header and can't wait to read more about your trip. I've been out of pocket all month and I've missed you!

Brittany said...

Oh my gosh!! are you okay?? OUCH!

Jenny Smucker said...

ugghhh. my stomach is turning. i'm so glad you still have your beautiful eye! and scalp!

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness! Are you okay honey?!
